Customer Testimonials

Odza TestimonialDear Jason & Brenton:

You’ve done it again!

When we came to you seeking a smaller home, you not only listened to our criteria, you put time and effort into understanding our desires. As a consequence you were able to show us a variety of homes, all of which met both our desires and our needs!

When we sought your counsel on selling our large home and property you threw yourselves into the task wholeheartedly.

You quickly: obtained an insightful understanding of our goals, presented us with a thoughtful list of things we could do to enhance the property’s marketability, developed a first rate marketing strategy and plan — and after a carefully planned pre-listing direct marketing activity, put the house on the market for weekend traffic. Result? You had the property under a fully negotiated and binding contract by Monday afternoon. Every aspect of the listing and selling process was insightfully planned. Everything moved like clockwork. And every single one of our goals was achieved!

We commend the Hunt Group at Fathom Realty to anyone who wants the most professional and effective real estate representation available in this area!


Ruth & Bruce Odza

MoodySarah Moody from Plano, TX

“I spend a lot of time on the internet trying to find creative ways to make money. I find deals on Groupon, LivingSocial, etc. and I don’t even know how I stumbled across this Hunt Group Homes website, but I am sure glad I did because I simply spent about an hour on Craigs List in the ‘Homes for Sale by Owner’ section and sent the link of a home to the Hunt Brothers. A week later they closed on the home and I got 1% of a $250,000 home. My check was for $2,500 and it was the most money I ever made from any of my online jobs. Talk about a bonus!! I was super excited and needless to say I plan to spend much more time sending homes to this website!”

Learn more about our Finder Fee program!
